Music Rocks Australia provides 'Innovative Community Participation' for so many people of all abilities and ages. Individual lessons, band and social outcomes are all designed perfectly for each person that meet goals and outcomes especially for NDIS plans. It really is a triumph, not a program to see who fits, but an eyeball for what each person wants do, and then knocking those things off! Our Beats Per Mind Program puts our people of all abilities in the recording studio with two songwriters and producers, setting goals with CBT and reporting on mood and dialogue weekly. The DJing courses and song production courses are always a big hit with our people with a disability too! Just fantastic!
Our client manager, Joelle Neville is wonderful to really help things along when youi're new and for your NDIS management at Music Rocks! :)
To ensure the safety and perfect delivery of services, Music Rocks Australia has created policies in regard to Human Management, Complaints resolution, Risk and Incident minimization and management and Reportable Incidents. Each NDIS participant is safeguarded with a service agreement and we make our communication easy and simple.
In the event you would like assistance, find resources, make a query or a complaint please make contact via email at, via phone at (08) 9275 2111 or via the contact us tab on this website :) In the event of an issue or complaint, the Music Rocks Australia Director will make contact with you within 24 hours of the lodgement and aim to have the issue resolved within 21 days. For anonymous complaints or feedback please send a hard copy letter to 98. Anzac Terrace, Bassendean, Western Australia (6054). Our people are everything and we will make sure you are cared for and heard at all times. If the participant or their representative is not satisfied or does not wish to speak to the Director, they can contact the National Disability Insurance Agency by calling 1800 800 110, visiting one of their offices in person, visiting for further information, or contacting the Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO)
Here are our policies in line with the NDIS Commissioner to ensure quality for our NDIS participants:
Here are the forms for your submission in the event of a complaint or a reportable incident: